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The Urantia book. The fifth Epochal Revelation (Urantia is the name of our planet)



  • In formulating the succeeding presentations having to do with the portrayal of the character of the Universal Father and the nature of his Paradise associates, together with an attempted description of the perfect central universe and the encircling seven superuniverses, we are to be guided by the mandate of the superuniverse rulers which directs that we shall, in all our efforts to reveal truth and co-ordinate essential knowledge, give preference to the highest existing human concepts pertaining to the subjects to be presented.
  • We may resort to pure revelation only when the concept of presentation has had no adequate previous expression by the human mind.


Why this secret about the identity of the contact personality? Dr. William.S.Sadler the leader of the contact commission gives this answer:

1. “The main reason for not revealing the identity of the contact personality is that the revelators do not want any human being - any human name - ever to be associated with The Urantia Book. They want this revelation to stand on its own declarations and teachings. They are determined that future generations shall have the book wholly free of all mortal connections - they do not want a St. Peter, St. Paul, Luther, Calvin, or Wesley.

2. “There is much about the appearance of the Urantia papers which no human being fully understands. No one really knows just how this phenomenon was executed. There are numerous missing links in the story of how this revelation came to appear in written English. If anyone should tell all he really knows about this technique and the methods employed in getting this revelation, such a narration would satisfy no one, there are too many missing links.” 


 The book was first published in 1955 by the Urantia Foundation

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